NB's Moviestorm Stuff

I have been looking for an efficient purpose-built machinima system for years, that had good quality characters, animations, and particularly expressiveness (facial). Even went as far as starting to write my own a few years back - but it's a massive job! Then I found Moviestorm.
Toss in a willingness on the part of the developers to co-operate with people (like me) who want to add their own technical touches,
and I'm happy as a pig in sshhiny new pig-duds with Moviestorm.  Just got to persuade them that it's to their benefit to give the geeks a few more hooks, and I think it has a great future.

This will be my repository of useful information, links to interesting stuff, and the odd utility that I may write...

Movement Controls  - Keyboard / mouse controls

Modding Moviestorm  - Altering existing content, adding new content.

nbconv - a model converter in development